Teaching Philosophy

"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher
demonstrates. The great teacher inspires."
– William Arthur Ward
An Inspiration & Positive Influence
When I think back to my childhood school days, the teachers that stand out in my mind are the ones that truly inspired me and set the stage for a successful academic career. The fifth grade elementary school teacher who recognized my love for writing and inspired me through her teachings, to write a series of short stories and poems for submission to a popular writing contest. The middle school art teacher that pushed me to create the large ornamental vase in pottery class rather than the tiny elementary-designed soup bowl. Let's not forget the numerous college professors that showed true passion and love for their work both in and out of the classroom that has inspired me to pursue a career in teaching.
My entire academic career has been filled with inspiration from all the teachers and professors that have crossed my path over the years. Because of each of them, I want to give back to the students that I now teach what was so graciously and unselfishly given to me throughout my academic career. I believe that the academic career of a teacher is never-ending. The more knowledge and experience a teacher has, the more he or she can bring to the classroom and share with the students. Book knowledge is important and is an integral part of learning and should never be underrated however; it's the "real life" and "work place" experiences that add that extra edge to teaching and learning. An up to date skill set, especially in today's ever-changing world of technology, is vital, as well as being able to adopt and adapt current and new teaching methods.
I believe each student has a wealth of potential inside and through inspirational and passionate teaching, that potential is unleashed. I see success in each one of my students. Every student should be given the same opportunities and resources to learn and grow as they progress through their academic career. Positive reinforcement, praise and motivation are essential. Advice, instruction and feedback always begin with praise and words of encouragement. This type of approach has been successful for me over and over again, and has often taken many students from an average to an above average grade. I have found that positive reinforcement ignites a student's motivation resulting in very successful and rewarding learning experiences both inside and outside of the classroom. Attitude is part of a successful equation.
I equate the total learning experience in each class that I teach to a beautiful painting. You begin with a blank and empty canvas full of potential and endless possibilities. What type of experience shall we paint today? Week by week the student grows, learns and develops new skills and techniques. Just as a painting is created stroke-by-stroke, new knowledge is learned and applied piece by piece from one class to the next. What type of experience and knowledge will live inside the completed "painting" at the end the course? The same experience and knowledge will live inside the student at the end of the course. If I have inspired even just a single student to achieve more, go that extra mile and have sparked an excitement for learning inside him or her, then I feel I have successfully done my job.
I strive to always be an inspiration to each and every student I come in contact with. I pride myself on maintaining a current technology skill set that enables me to bring the best possible online and/or classroom experience to the students. Complacency breeds stagnation and I will not be a participant. I bring passion, excitement, opportunity and hope to each student that I teach. I not only teach what is written in a book, I teach a skill set that can be applied in the work place as well as everyday life. The student is enriched with both learned and practical knowledge. I want to be that "great teacher that inspires" and be a positive and significant influence within each student's life and academic career. That is my goal. That is my success.